Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Moment Can Make A Difference

As a boy my grandfather was playing by the side of the road, when a couple drove by and invited him to an event at their church. He decided to attend because of the warm and genuine invitation he had received. When he arrived he felt love and acceptance. That day he decided to become a Christ follower. He went on to share this with his ten brothers and sisters, and eventually his parents. Today, generations later, there are countless lives that know who God is because of one invitation.
It only takes a moment to make a difference. Whether you bring friends, serve food, give candy out from the trunk of your car, or make people feel welcome, every part can make a difference at our first ever Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat. On October 31st at Gulf Coast Worship Center, we have the opportunity to show God's love to our community and to let them know we care about their children and families. We have had a wonderful response to our volunteer sign-up, however, we still need you! There are still opportunities to get involved. Picture this, hundreds of people coming to our church with all hands on deck. We are looking to serve, share God's love, and have a great time. Sign-up today and be a part in making the difference!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It was a Blitz

Wow, what an exciting day we had last Sunday......all the colors from the teams, the brunch between services, candy for the Fall Festival, sign up sheets and free shirts, for all practical terms the day was a roaring success. From the moment the doors opened, momentum started to build that culminated in twenty six people signing up to be on a serve team. We believe that God is looking for servants and Gulf Coast Worship Center is built around serving. We serve God by serving His people. Our goal is to have 70 to 80% of our people serving and serve teams are helping us achieve that goal. When people serve, they become joined to each other, friendships are formed, goals are realized, and lives are changed. You can make a difference, you can be the difference, get involved today.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Heart Patients Choose Death

Change is a very difficult thing for most people. I was reminded of this twice over the last couple of days when I heard 2 quotes from 2 different sources. First of all 90% of all heart patients when faced with a choice of a change of lifestyle or death, choose death over lifestyle change. Secondly I was listening to an audio teaching when I heard the story of a woman who had an addiction to cigarettes and said that she had read so much about the damages of cigarettes and lung cancer that she decided to stop reading.
These thoughts seem so silly and immature, yet many of us have the same struggles. I don't really like change and if you are honest, you probably don't either. I would much rather keep the waters calm, and not disturb life as we know it, but sometimes God expects more from us. As a community of Christ Followers, what Jesus called the church, it is our responsiblity to always be one step ahead of our ever-changing culture. We cannot always do things the way we have always done them. We cannot expect younger generations and older generations to have the same heart language. Because of this we must learn to share God's love with everyone in a manner in which they will understand. We must be creative enough, and yet sensitive enough to change when change is necessary.
As we move forward with God's plan for Gulf Coast Worship Center, we must be willing to embrace change. Story after story continues to flood our office about the work that God is doing in people's lives, and how he is doing it. I am amazed how much God is doing, and the channels he is chosing to do it through. So my prayer is "God whatever it is that I need to change, the way I view my neighbor, the way I do ministry, the traditions I grew up with, let me be open and sensitive to do so."