Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"God Moments" with Lenny Kravitz and the Incredible Hulk

Funny how the other day I was scrolling through a few pictures, and this one of me and Lenny Kravitz came across my screen. It reminded me of the feeling I had when I was in New York and Madam Tussauds house of wax, after paying $20 to get in. You look around and you see life size figures of all these celebrities. I remember as we first walked in I saw Beyonce standing there. I was blown away…she was shorter than I had expected. Next there was Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Anniston, and at the top of the stairs was the Incredible Hulk. I was dumbfounded at how real they all looked. Then this thought came to my mind…I see all these people on TV, and I always thought that I would never get to see them face to face, but this was close enough for me. Somehow it became a little "spiritual" for me. I guess it was one of those "God Moments" we often talk about. I was reminded of what 1 Corinthians 13:12 says about one day when we see Jesus face to face. "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." It will all make sense. We will see exactly what He and God are like. I mean for those of us who follow Jesus with our life, we sometimes wonder if we will ever fully understand, but His promise to us is that when this life is over, for those who have lived their life for Him, they will see Him face to face. Not a wax figure, but real life, and we never have to leave, we didn't even pay admission, because His death on the cross gave us entry. We aer allowed to enter, by putting our trust and faith in Him. So this year my challenge to you is to live your life everyday as if that may be the day this life is over and you will have the opportunity to see Him.

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