Sunday, January 20, 2008

Forward In Love - Monday January 21

Today I saw God ___________________. Spend the rest of the day filling in this blank.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I went to work last Friday, I had a "pay it forward" kind of moment. There were a set of premature infants born before Christmas and the faith and strength of their parents really touched me. While at Walmart, I felt led to get the babies a little angel that says the "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayer. Those precious parents told me they'd been saying that prayer with their infants every night and plan to do it the rest of their lives. also, the babies are at 2 different the doll spends half a week with one twin and the other half a week with the other twin. one of the babies is having a lot of trouble and has had a couple surgeries turns out that when the parents are with the other twin, there is a nurse there that says the prayer with the baby for them. I was overwhelmed with amazement that such a little thing could go so far! It's almost like the way the Lord multiplied the loaves and reminds me that even the smallest kindness can be mightily used of the Lord to bring His love to light! Love really does move things forward!