Monday, January 7, 2008

Forward In Love - Monday January 7

…God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16

“God is love”. This is probably the greatest single statement about God in the entire Bible. It is amazing how many questions that one sentence answers. For example, with God there is never a question about motive. We never have to ask why. We already have the one and only answer there is: love.
In this verse we are actually told what God is, He is love. Love is God expressed. Love is the most basic ingredient of God. It is His essence. There is no adequate way to describe God apart from love. But God’s love is not some co-dependant loneliness. God did not create people so that He would have some focus for His love that He would otherwise be incomplete without. God is love, with or without His creation. God’s love is altogether free standing of our existence or our receptivity. It actually has nothing to do with us at all, it is who HE is!
Being that God is love, He is our only source for love. When a mother stares into the face of her newborn, where does the love come from that instantly binds her heart with that little stranger? It comes from the only source there is, from God. God is love and no one else is. If we have love, it is only because after the fall of humanity we have maintained some faint silhouette of the original form that God created us in. There is one way to get a clearer picture. That is to receive God’s love into our hearts through Jesus, and to pursue Him with wild passion. As we do, the revelation of His love in our lives will become clearer with each step.
Any journey with God, is a journey in love. Will you join me for the next 20 days as we go FORWARD in love?

Let’s pray together:
Lord, today I pray that by your mighty grace, you will pour more of yourself into us and by the end of this day, we will see greater evidence of your love in our lives. Amen

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