Saturday, January 12, 2008

Forward In Love - Sunday, January 13

People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Luke 18:15-16

Sometimes it is not that we don’t do what Jesus did, it is that we don’t love what He loved. Jesus loves kids. It is that we don’t love kids the way He does. We have someone else’s heart for kids.
Our culture has said, they are not important; abort them. It’s O.K. if no one is home, they can let themselves in. Set them in front of the T.V., that is a good baby sitter. They are going to do it anyway, we might as well give them a condom. There are so many voices out there that say so many things about children.
Unfortunately, the followers of Jesus didn’t offer much more. I think I have spoken to some of these disciples. We can figure out what to do with the kids later, we need more services now. Let’s get on to the important stuff, the kids can catch up. But they never do and children eventually realize it. God help us. Will we be a church with God’s heart? If so, we must love kids because He did. We must do our all to pass our faith on to our children. Did I say, I have spoken to some of those disciples? I forgot to add, I have also been one.
What the disciples were saying was, move the kids out of the way, so that we can do the important stuff. What Jesus said was, the kids are the important stuff. How can we move forward in love without moving forward in love with kids? How can we love God and not love what He loves. God loves kids, let’s love them too.
Would you pray this prayer with me? Lord, as a follower of yours, would you warm my heart, with what warms your heart. Give me your love for people, especially for kids.

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